Hepatology is the medical discipline focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions impacting the liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, and pancreas. The liver, a vital abdominal organ, plays a crucial role in filtering and purifying blood from the stomach and intestines, while also maintaining the chemical balance in the bloodstream. For additional information on the liver, please visit this link:

The Lambeth GP Federation is working in conjunction with GSTT Hepatology colleagues to deliver a Community Based Hepatology Service with an aim to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

This enables early identification of chronic liver disease and the ability for patients to be effectively managed at home away from a hospital setting, reducing waiting times and improving patients experience and health outcomes.

Other benefits and features of the service include:

  • Consultant led care closer to home.
  • Improved waiting times
  • The development of individual care plans
  • Helps to identify and support patients who are finding it challenging to follow a treatment plan.
  • Seamless care with robust governance

Our mission statement:
Our mission is to provide a patient focussed service for early identification of liver disease and ongoing disease management whilst improving patients experience and health in a sustainable manner.

Our Hepatology Team
Your care will be led by:

Community Liver Care Service – Frequently Asked Questions

Why has my liver care been changed?
In this new service you will continue to receive expert specialist management from your Consultant Hepatologist, who will work together with your GP to provide your care.

Will my liver care be still led by my Consultant Hepatologist?
The advantage of this new service is that the Consultant Hepatologist will work in the same room as your GP when reviewing your care providing a more comprehensive review.

What about my routine follow-up and tests?
The GP system is much better at organising your routine follow up and tests. In this new clinic you will not be discharged if you miss your appointment and there will be a safety-net system to remind you that your appointment is coming up.

Will I see my specialist?
The clinic is a virtual clinic involving your GP, Consultant Hepatologist and Liver Nurse Specialist. A certain group of patients (for example those requiring a specialist scan called a Fibroscan) will be routinely seen annually by the Liver Nurse Specialist. You are always able to see your own GP regarding your liver care and through this new clinic your GP will have faster access to a Consultant Hepatologist to get advice or a face-to-face appointment as needed.

Does this mean that I will never go to hospital for my liver care?
No, if your results determine that hospital care is more appropriate, an appointment will made for you with the hospital liver department (your care can be transferred back into the hospital as needed).

I was happy with how my liver care was delivered, why does it need to be changed?
The NHS is continually trying to improve the quality of care it delivers. Going forward, the anticipation is the number of patients requiring frequent liver care and liver surveillance will rise. This new service will mitigate the risk of you having to wait to see a clinician for your liver care.

Do I need to inform my GP of this change?
No, your GP is already aware of this new service. Your GP does not need to refer you into this service.

Do I need to do anything?
There is nothing that you need to do. Each time your liver care is reviewed, you will receive a report of how your liver care is doing and what tests are needed as part of your routine monitoring.

I have additional questions and/or concerns that have not been answered. Can I speak to someone?
Yes, if the FAQs above do not answer your questions or if you have concerns, please email us at or call us on 020 8175 0145 select option 1 then option 3, Monday to Friday 9am-4pm.

Fibroscan appointments take place at: (days and times TBC)

Akerman Medical Practice
Second Floor
Akerman Health Centre
60 Patmos Road
London  SW9 6AF
Tel: 0208 175 0145  

Additional information for patients

Having a Fibroscan – Information and advice for patients

Liver disease

Information about liver related conditions